To promote this mission, the editors of Autism Underground have adopted the following editorial policies:
1. By submitting a draft post to Autism Underground for publication, the submitter represents to Autism Underground that:
- The submitted work is the original work of the author;
- The author desires the material to be posted on Autism Underground and understands that this permission cannot be rescinded;
- The author understands s/he will not be compensated in any way in exchange for granting Autism Underground the right to post the submitted work;
- The author understands that the submitted work may be edited by one or more of Autism Underground's editors before it is posted; and
- Once submitted work is posted to Autism Underground, Autism Underground may, in its sole discretion, leave the work posted, remove the posted work, permit comments on the posted work, edit comments on the posted work, delete comments on the posted work or disallow the posting of one or more comments.
2. A blog post author may choose to withhold his or her identity from Autism Underground's readers. However, Autism Underground's editors reserve the right to decline to post material submitted from an author whose true identity is not known to and verified by at least one of Autism Underground's editors.
3. Autism Underground's editors reserve the right to edit a post for clarity or length. Every effort will be made to obtain the original author's approval of editorial changes before a post is published.
4. Autism Underground's editors encourage posts that are open, honest and authentic. Autism Underground's editors also encourage the respectful sharing of ideas among those with divergent viewpoints. However, Autism Underground does not condone or support speech that
- threatens or encourages physical harm to any person;
- threatens or encourages damage to property;
- is, in the sole discretion of the editors, reasonably classified as "hate speech";
- contains, without consent or authorization, the copyrighted words or images of one other than the original author;
- plagiarizes the work of another author;
- constitutes a violation of the laws of the United States, any state therein or any of the United States' territories; or
- is, in the sole discretion of the editors, inconsistent with furthering Autism Underground's mission.
6. For questions concerning this policy, or to contact the editors, email